Bit by Bit, We’ll Make You Whole Again.

When you give until there is none to give, trust that the next person would see what you saw and build up from where you left. We’ve got to give, bit by bit to make them whole

The moon was so beautiful, that the ocean held up a mirror.

Ani Difranco

Sometimes it takes a little more time, a little more patience, effort, energy and a little more love to get to the fleshy part. In the meantime you’ve got to get used to surviving on the bread crumps for a little while longer than you had anticipated. Because, it takes layer from layer to finally get to the core. And sometimes, you might just give up because you can only wait for so long and when it feels like you are almost forgetting yourself in the process, you’ve got to stop and hope that the next person will find it easier than you had.

That they will not have to begin from zero like you had to. That they will not have to sit through the constant disappointments while holding on to that small bit of hope. That they will finally get to where you couldn’t and save them.

That the next person will scratch the core and crush those high-set walls. That the next person will finally achieve it for the ones that have come before. That you all will watch how that person that was once so locked inn, opens their heart to the world and tastes the depths of what you all have been trying to make them see.
And then, wherever you will be, you can now smile. That breath you’ve been holding in. can then escape in a deep sigh.
Only then.

Yours Truly
Signed, With Love….

The piece is a heartfelt narrative about the challenges of loving and caring for someone with impenetrable emotional walls. The words put together, one after the other, weave a sad tale of the struggle to reach the depths of their heart, where vulnerability is a rare sight. It eloquently captures the profound desire of the author to scale those towering barriers, which seem to defy gravity, and to glimpse the authentic soul of their beloved hidden behind the high walls. It’s a narrative of love, patience, and the unwavering belief that, one day, these walls may crumble, revealing the beauty that lies within the fortress of their loved one’s guarded heart. The author grapples with the heart-breaking realization that they might not be the one to break down these barriers, leaving them in a state of longing and vulnerability. It’s a narrative of patience, hope, and the bittersweet understanding that love alone may not be enough to dismantle the emotional fortress their beloved has constructed.

Terrified of What’s Next?

You will never know what you are truly capable of if you cannot be brave enough to step out of your comfort zone and leave behind the familiar, safe, easy and more friendly options.

Have you ever thought to yourself, Why was I not born into so much wealth like some people? Because this way, you would not have to go through all that you are going through. This is a random thought that crosses most young people’s minds. Especially when you have to wake up every morning and be reminded of how jobless you are and can only rely on some hope that one day, the light will shine your way. Your parents/guardians did the best they could to get you here. They paid for your tuition fee, provided for every essential need they could and managed to get you to where you are right now. You are an adult, above 18 years and according to the law, you are capable of making your own decisions.

But the reality is, this is Kenya for us and you probably are not going anywhere anytime soon, so you better brace up. We are currently at an unemployment rate of 9.31% and honestly, if we compared to other years such as 2003, we are better off today. Because you see, back then the rate superseded 10%. This makes you wonder, HOW?? If it is this bad now, how did the unemployed people back then cope?

You have to remember that in the category of unemployed Kenyans, there are those who used to work but lost their jobs and are searching for new jobs. There are those who are now jobless because of a certain economic downturn. And then there is US, who are fresh graduates with no experience whatsoever, just theory and a few months of field attachment. You look at your situation and compare it to those with more experience, more connections and are also looking for jobs and you almost lose hope. But you cannot afford that luxury, can you? There is no way you can give up because you have come so far…You therefore, sit down and start brainstorming. Reality hits so hard and the truth is you need to find a way of sustaining yourself. You start applying for every job that comes your way. People tell you that even if you do not meet the requirements, just apply because you never know!! But deep down, you know that chances are very low. As much as that truth isn’t always comforting, it is however real.

Learn to think out of the box and use the resources availed to you to create an opportunity for yourself. Push aside the doubtful thoughts of your business ideas failing. It is only in taking risks that life becomes the daring adventure it should be. Today’s generation has been blessed with limitless access to new technologies that emerge with every passing hour. I implore you to get out of your comfort zone and think creatively. Don’t dare do nothing because when the day is over, nothing is what you would have gained. We do not have any choice. I’m not saying that you should stop applying for those internships and job opportunities. I’m saying that you should not put all of your hope in that, think of something else. Something of your own.

There is strange comfort and fulfillment in knowing at the end of the day that you did something constructive. I will tell you this with complete certainty…without any risk, no reward is achieved and the struggles you go through today will eventually become the good old days you will laugh about tomorrow.